When an Ultra Body Positive Feminist Becomes a Health Coach

This is the story of when an ultra body positive feminist (me) became a health coach:

How do you go from following/adoring plus sized models on instagram to explosively celebrating every pound one of your teammates losses?

How do you go from  fantasizing about eating a cheeseburger with animal style fries and a milkshake to celebrating people for choosing not to eat the very same thing?!

How do you go from shaming stores that sell one-size-fits all clothing to screaming of excitement when someone goes down a pant size?

As the aforementioned UBPF, becoming a health coach that celebrates weight loss has been difficult for me to reconcile. My worldview has definitely changed in the past 6.5 months but for the better I would like to hope. Before I decided to take on this journey, I scoffed at people who dieted just to lose weight; skinny wasn’t an important thing to be (it’s still not). I hated on people who quoted things such as the infamous Kate Moss line”Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” ( I still really hate this quote btw). I was a firm believer that if you’re fat it was fine as long as you were happy.

My views now are mostly similar. Instead of changing them entirely, I’ve merely added to them. Sure, I want everyone to be happy but I also want everyone to be healthy. Before experiencing my own transformation, I had heard many body shamers shout this line:”We just want you to be healthy (aka skinny).” I know they meant skinny because they had never said this to a smaller person and when I brought up that point to them it was always seen an afterthought “Well, we want skinny people to be healthy too.”. Let me be clear by saying skinny is not equal to healthy; likewise, fat doesn’t equal unhealthy.YOU CANNOT TELL SOMEONES HEALTH OR ACTIVITY LEVEL BY JUST LOOKING AT THEM. BMI though a reliable indicator (at times) is not the be-all-end-all of health measurements. Many of the people I deem to be unhealthy (over-eating sugary, fast foods and not exercising) are some of the skinniest. Incase you didn’t get it the first time: you can not judge someones health just by looking at them.

My goal is to encourage people to be healthy no matter their size. I am not saying this from a place of superiority. I used to eat like complete garbage. Loading myself with sugar and calories from Starbucks as a precursor to my “real breakfast” then finding an excuse to eat half a bag of cookies later in the day because I had maybe-probably walked a lot that day. I laughed at the idea of me exercising. I thought it was a funny joke to not care about my eating or exercise habits. This is what I realized I do not stand for. If you love yourself, then love yourself enough to nourish your body and if you’re not happy change something.

Is it really about the weight?


It’s about actively choosing to become the best and healthiest version of yourself.

It’s about becoming who you’ve decided you want to be.

I celebrate personal victories that come in the form of weightloss, pant-size, and self-control but I do not worship skinny.  I worship hard work. I worship working towards your goals and I worship hitting them. I do not hate fat. I hate complacency. I hate excuses. I hate self-imposed limitations.

*Disclaimer: I still think and believe people of all shapes and sizes are beyond beautiful and I still hate Brandy Melville and their one-size-fits-all-bull-crap policy.

The Journey So Far…

So here I am 196 days into my fitness journey (6 months and 13 days) and I’ve decided I want to share my journey. I wish I had started this blog 6 months and 13 days ago because the amount of knowledge I’ve gained couldn’t possibly be shared in one post. I will give the briefest summary I possibly can of my results and experiences through this incredibly transformative period of my life.

The fist transformation is the most obvious. It’s the reason I’m now able to call myself a coach to a team of amazing people who are creating their own successes. It’s the reason I get massive attention every time I walk into a room of people I haven’t seen anywhile and it’s the reason I now feeling willing to post the picture I’m about to post.


In 6 months and 13 days, these are the physical results I have created for myself. I have lost 47 pounds. I have dropped from a size 16 to a size 6/8/10 depending on the pair of pants (@  Old Navy  please fix your sizing I don’t understand how I can possibly be all of these sizes in the same store?!?). I have gone from a XXL to a Medium. This transformation has been beyond anything I could have ever possibly imagined. I originally started this journey to lose 25 pounds and I will be hitting my big 5-0 by the end of this month. I created double the results of what I originally intended to. This part of my story is meaningful to me. I love being able to go into a dressing room and not have to go in expecting myself to cry because “Target mirrors make me look fat”. I no longer have to immediately flip to the bottom of a pile of pants as soon as I find a pair I like. I am free thanks to my health and fitness which I plan to go into detail about in future posts.

The second transformation has been mental. In my community, we focus on our a great deal on our mindset. This has been a valuable tool for me because as I have learned: being skinny doesn’t instantly make you love your body. Trust me when I say this- even after losing 47 pounds there are days when I wake up and do not think good thoughts while looking in the mirror ( I know this sounds insane). BUT this is where mindset is key. I get to point out the things I do love about myself. I get to remind myself how hard I’ve worked to come this far.I get to think about all the days I woke up in awe of my body and the love I felt looking at it. I get to relive the feelings in the aforementioned paragraph. I have the power- it’s all in my mind. Losing the weight is only part of it.

This mental portion has changed every single aspect of my life. I have become more independent, positive, and goal oriented in the past 6 months and 13 days then I ever thought possible. I have acquired a new big girl job which pays big girl dollars. I have become a health coach to a group of incredible people and an inspiration to those in my community.  I have somehow been able to manage working two jobs, volunteering, attending school, and my fitness journey with a tiny number of stress break downs.I find pleasure in being “busy” and no longer see it as an excuse but a privilege. I have even started buying my own groceries, though I still live at home. I am focused; I am determined.

I appreciate anyone you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate you following my journey and caring.To those who have congratulated me on my success, I am grateful and I invite you to create your own success through whatever means you choose. Welcome!

